Promoting sustainable socio-economic development in the Green Economy in Albania

Contract number: 2016/337/000284/1  
Funded by: Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS), Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI)
Target countries: Albania 
Partners: Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Cooperazione per il mondo in via di sviluppo (Italy), Eterit Rogacionistet Shqiptare (Albania)
Period: 2017-2019


Politecnico di Milano is partner in the project Promoting sustainable socio-economic development in the green economy in Albania led by VIDES (Volontariato Internazionale Donna Educazione Sviluppo). The action is carried out in the Prefecture of Lezhë and concerns the green economy sector by aiming to improve the educational offer to promote local development.

Specific objectives of the projects are:
  • Improving the training offer and raise the level of technical expertise in innovative areas for increasing youth employment in the green economy
  • Promoting the local socio-economic development and environment protection by the use of renewable energies in the logic of Creating Shared Value.

Politecnico di Milano will supervise the scientific content of the training courses offered by VIDES and will analyse the energy needs of the Hospital of Lezhë to drive the installation of a new PV solar power plant. The project started in April 2017 and has a duration of 2 years.


Further information available in the project official page.