In the last four years the Chair has consolidated the partnerships with other universities, national and international. ‘Horizontal' partnerships among universities may represent a ‘scientific diplomacy', which can enhance the establishment of strategic relations with the goal of enforcing local networks and contributing to foster the capacity building process.
Within the Italian context, Politecnico di Milano (with the direct involvement of the Chairholder) has coordinated the CUCS network, a protocol signed by 30 Rectors of Italian Universities on Cooperation and Development. At international level partnerships have been established with several institutions: European partners have been involved in joint projects and researches, while non-EU network has been enforced in particular with universities of the MENA region and the East African Community, mainly Kenya and Tanzania. The Chair has also strengthened partnerships with international agencies and public institutions, involved in the same pattern of contents focused on international cooperation, sustainable development and energy access.
The UNESCO network has been part of the partnership built. Indeed, the Chair has collaborated with Italian and European Chairs, and in the last year it has started an interaction with the UNESCO Division of Basic & Engineering Sciences.

International Organisations
Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP), International Energy Agency (IEA), The World Bank, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), UNIDO
Italian Public Institutions
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Direzione Generale Cooperazione allo Svilluppo (DGCS)
Private Sector
Enel, Enel Foundation, eni, FEEM, Edison
Universities and Research Centers
UNESCO network:
Italian network of UNESCO Chairs
UNESCO Chair in Hydrological Change and Water Resources Management, RWTH Aachen
Chaire UNESCO en alimentations du monde, Centre international d'enseignement supérieur en sciences agronomiques, Montpellier SupAgro
Tempus partners:
RWTH Aachen University
The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Alexandria University, Egypt
Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt
SEKEM Development Foundation
Aswan University, Egypt
Heliopolis University, Egypt
Zagazig University, Egypt
Cairo University, Egypt
Bibliotheca Alexandria
Technical University of Graz
Montpellier SupAgro
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
Edulink partners:
Jimma University, Ethiopia
Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology, Tanzania
Technical University of Kenya
Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya
TELMS partners:
Dar es Salaam Institute of technology
Mbeya Institute of Science and Technology
Arusha Technical College
Framework agreement:
The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology
Catholic University of Bamada, Cameroon
Existing relationship for projects or research activities:
Ramakumar Research Group, Canada
NTNU Trondheim, Norway
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
University of Cairo, Egypt
University of Sfax, Tunisia
University of Hassan II, Morocco
University of Saint Joseph, Lebanon
University of Aleppo, Syria
Technical University of Delft