FIVE of Olympics’ FLAG

Framework for Impact eValuation of the Effects of Olympics For Longterm Achievement of (common)Good

Funded by: Polisocial Programme of Politecnico di Milano, Polisocial Award 2019
Target country: Italy
Partners:  Comune di Milano, Città Metropolitana di Milano, OMERO Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca di StudiUrbani e sugli Eventi.
Period: 2020 - 2021


The particular characterisation that the promoting committee has given to the 2026 Winter Olympic Games - understood as having a low infrastructural impact and as a vehicle for developing innovative sustainable solutions - offers the opportunity to imagine a new role for the event in the development of the territory, which goes beyond a simple economic impact concentrated in the four clusters directly involved. The research is working on a strategic study that will make it possible to enhance the Olympics as an opportunity for territorial regeneration and social inclusion, under the banner of environmental sustainability and widespread economic development, not only for the territories directly involved in the Games, but also for those excluded. Moreover, the observed dimension does not only look at the event as such, but also focuses on the post-event phases, in a long-term legacy perspective.